Sunday 10 April 2011

Oh my woolly word!!

Somebody has abducted my usually fairly pleasant 4 year old and replaced her with some sort of demon! She had the mother of all tantrums in Tesco - when I went to take her toy back to the shelf, I literally could hear her from the other end of the shop and its a Tesco EXTRA! I took her downstairs while Steve paid for it and had a good audience of tutting, smug, judgy onlookers for the ten minutes it took. When we eventually got home, she walked into the house and slammed the front door, locking us out. Luckily the kitchen window was open, but Steve knackered his shoulder in whilst climbing the gate. Here's Winnie waiting in the car for Steve to break in!

Behaviour didn't improve much for the rest of the day with lots of pointless destruction and fibbing. Hopefully I'll get my nice girl back tomorrow.
I put together all the various bits for Steve's demo doll - the head came from a B&M Bargains doll, the body and limbs were bought separately. Nyree  brought round the glass beads and polyprop beads to weight it with and I stuck them all together. The so far nameless doll, weighs approx 6.5lbs but feels so much heavier!

I also managed to put together a slip knot photo tutorial as well, so the day wasn't entirely wasted!

1 comment:

  1. Oh dear Carla, I empathise about the tantrum - my (mostly wonderful) boy has had a few of those in public but it has always been to an audience of tutting and head-shaking. Hope Steve's shoulder is ok!

    The doll is super freaky *shudder*.

    Have a great week! Xx
